white and black is the basic of all colours, also representable as the basic of life. black is often refered as the negative, the bad, the evil and white as the vice versa which is related to purity and good. but from the yin yang logo, one might realise that you cannot possess just one of the 2 colour, or in another word, you cannot just be too good or just too bad. if the black were really meant to be evil, you can see from the portion where black occupies a larger portion of the area, white gradually takes over black and slowly dominate the area. if translated to the language of life, wouldn't that simply convey that the more notorious you get, eventually the ethic in you will slowly be relished? definitely that is just a theory one can make out from interperting the logo, and it up to you the interpreter to analyse base on your character, mindset, and the path of life you've walk through. nevertheless, the theory that i just mentioned might just prove that we need a equilibrium in life, to work to play, to smile to cry, to run to sleep, to live and to die. to work to smile to run to live have always been deemed as the right thing to do for most of us, largely because they are productive and is recognised by our society as "useful" and are acknowledged as the right thing to do. However, without balancing it with play, cry, sleep and death, the system will not be in equilibrium and will eventually break down. It is easy to say, but you will be amazed on how difficult some takes to attain. Since white has been recognised as what the society wants, we have always work toward the white side, doing more than what we could just to show others that we are one step better than the other, who are just like anyone else striving for more of the white end. as we strive for the white for most our time, we eventually get used to doing the white thing, and it just seems like a part of our everyday life, a big part. we neglect the black part, the other side of our equilibrium, a just as important other side. Not forgetting its a long road, just like a marathon, it is impossible to miss out the black end. when one day you got the taste of a black end, you might feel uneasy, because its not the routine of your life, its not your habit to drink and party and have fun, its just not like you, you know it cheer up your heart from all the loads, but you just have this uneasy feeling because you do not think that this is the right thing to do. it feels like you're wasting your time your life on all these unproductive event.
Everyone has their own equilibrium point, maybe if your capacity is larger, you enjoy a bigger part of black and so, you will also have to produce a larger portion of white to balance out your life. However, regardless of how white or black you are, you just have to be equally black or white.
Everyone has their own equilibrium point, maybe if your capacity is larger, you enjoy a bigger part of black and so, you will also have to produce a larger portion of white to balance out your life. However, regardless of how white or black you are, you just have to be equally black or white.

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