Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
First Impression
Something sets me thinking for the past few days. The idea of first impression and knowing of a person. As always said, first impression counts, although just like anyone, my first instinct to a new person would be observing him which leaves me with a first impression but i would safely say i'm not a fan of first impressionist. This maybe due to knowing myself, a person you can never judge from the look cause its ever changing. So i understand that a person can be immensely different as the one you thought you knew when you first saw him. At the first look one can be attracted be the other from his look, his actions, his hygiene, his etiquette, his behaviour etc and this detail can also change a person impression to dislike. But the way i work is to try to know the person inside him and not the one everyone sees. I'll try to observe the details of him, his conversation topic to know more about the real him. Outer looks are often deceiving because it is a work of the person's environment, education, work, but the inner side can never bluff its way through and it's best tested by the way you act or behave when you though nobody is around. Kind, Soft-hearted, hot-tempered are just some of the real you to name. If its good inside, it will always be, but if its bad inside it can never turn good. I guess i'm living in another world where first impression is second compared to expressing with your real heart.

Chocolates makes you happy and are great for sex.
Friday, March 12, 2010
There are things which you can never understand until you experience it

That is the benefit of long title as it more or less brings out the main point of what one have to say. Does fear ever occur to you when people beside you, your friends and family because of age or illness? For the juveniles it might not have been something you've been through, but for the elderlies, i've seen many of such. When you start to grow old, you slowly see your hair turns white, your skin crumpled up, your speed slow down, your abilities weren't as smooth as before, the idea of death in near might just occur to you. Death is definitely inevitable, but understanding it helps you live your life better as understand from "Tuesday with Morrie". But as death is unpredictable, it gives uncertainties, and thats the main fear, not death itself. When you see your close friends pass away because of health problems at maybe an age of 70 its naturally that you a friend of the similar age fear that you'll encounter similar problems. Because we cannot control it, we cannot predict it, it creates a kind of anxiety in us just like the fear for 2012, the only difference is the fear of the whole Earth dying and not an individual. Back to the topic, because we are not living in the circumstances, we will or will be difficult for us to understand the kind of feeling, that kind of mindset the person is having at the moment. We can learn alot, study as much as you want, know as much as possible, but somethings sometimes somewhere, we will just have to been through it to understand it. We human are strongly affected actually totally affected by what you've been through, saw and feel so because of the highly varied life each individual been through, it forms a different character, mindset of a person and this whole experince that one has ever been through will decide his decision his desire and his deed. So only going through the different parts of life and experiencing more will only then you can more accurately decide for yourself and others, it is something which you can learn nothing from the books, and i guess that's the take away of lives.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

After sleeping for so long, it's is time to wake up. My thoughts are always triggered by things around me, the people i see and meet, incident of a day etc. But since holiday started, my mind stopped. Things that happens around me is too menial to trigger my thoughts, or should i say i have already thought about it. However there is this one thin that comes in millions and billions of different types and you can never understand all of them, this is human. People come in all kinds, black, white, hispanic, asian etc from the outside, cunning, smart, evil etc from the inside. Since long ago we have tried to group people into groups, astrology stars, zodiac are just some to name. Definitely we can see some similarities in these few groups of people, however, in many aspects each and everyone is still different. Being able to understand as many types of people as possible will always put us on advantage because human interaction happens everywhere and anytime so understanding the one you are talking to can sometimes help you achieve your objectives easier. Personally, i enjoy studying people, how they react to certain circumstances, how they would speak how they would behave themselves. This can sometimes help in forseeing what people around you will do next step. But the mistake sometimes can be reading too deep into it and label the wrong person with the wrong behaviour, which is prejudgment and is wrong. I wish to further write more but i'm too tired, i shall continue again because human is simly complicated, was that an oxymoron?
Monday, January 25, 2010
Quietly you whisper out your hopes and wishes, and may the buddha bless you.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Satisfication level
On the way back home, i saw one construction worker, alone by himself with a big bottle of pepsi infront of him. Many foreign construction workers like to spend their free time sitting around pavements and on the fields, it's a common sight locally. Therefore no doubt that guy was taking a break after his work day enjoying the moon bath with a pepsi. Breaks are usually the best time for people to do their favourite interest, hobbies and stuffs like shopping, psp, wii, all sorts of different time-killers. but to that man, a pepsi is just enough for him because mayb back at his hometown a bottle of soft drink was a luxury that not everyone can afford. But to us, pepsi is just one of the drink u ordered in the food centres to go with your food, it never will be anything that you will thought of as luxury moments. Sad about we urban people, we are richer than those kampong-ers, more knowledgeable than them, more sophisticated and more demanding too.We can never be easily satisfied by the simple small things in our life, because we simply own toooooo much. and the more we own, the more and better we demand for. It is never ending because this is the human nature that producer and companies target to sell their products to R&D newer, fancier iphones, gadgets to temporary satisfies the demands, and with such phenomenon, the cycle just goes on and on never endingly. definitely it is impossible to tell one of the city residents to kick off this human nature because we grow in this environment and this is who we are. Nevertheless, the one thing that we can do is really to appreciate every things, every smallest events that is around up each day, that is happening around us. Thanks and be grateful to the people who we live together and work together.I assure you that you will be a happier person.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
If i were still a student, today would be a horrible day. The whole day will seems so slow, nothing to do just awaiting for the scary tmr.I hate the eve of school reopening, it is a scary feeling. The night will be a sleepless one, no matter how tired or how u twist and turn around, you just cannot get into sleep. The next morning is just sucky, the moment you woke up the sky is unusually dark, the air is often moist and with a bit of warmth. It will be that usual smell, the smell that only at that time of day you can smell. The sound of cricket will still be pestering, joined by other insects it just made the whole start of school detestable!When reaching near school, my heart would be pumping so fast so loud, that i can see my uniform vibrating.In secondary school i will know that i'll see my usual friends but in the different classroom with different teacher, you do not know who they are you do not know what is going to happen, there is too much unknown, that kills me. The moment you step into school, the smell persist, the cricket went home, daylight secrectly approach. On top of the morning smell, in the school there will be this "new" smell. the smell of the table and chairs and assembly floor which no doubt have been neglected for a month or more. that adds up to the disgusting smell i am suffering from. first lesson is usually the toughest. everything if remembered would be so vivid. But as the sun rise at the real day approach, everything looks clearer smell normal and sound familiar. I just hate first day of school.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
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