On the way to jogging with dad this morning, my dad said this thing about H1N1. He told me that some country is coming out with a vaccine for the virus and he told me its possible that they started the virus too(since the virus started somewhere near there) and i gave a thought about it. How false can he be?if there is no problems, how can people come out with solutions and sell them at high price?isn't this hwo the world works now?what is needed have been invented, what else will people need if there's so situation that requires new R&D? the hard fact of the world you and me are living now.Similarly, other than the virus that attacks your body, it will be of no surprise to you that the virus that attacks you comes from some anti-virus company. Honestly, who will have the luxury of time to create all these computer virus that he or she have no gain(except for those that steals your ID codes and passwords). since everything is about money, and the only party that cna gain form these virus is definitely left with the anti-virus company. We human creates commotion around us so as to rise demands for their goods and solve the problems. On the other hand, if not because of so, how can the economy keep growing?Nothing to really argue about isn't it?At the end of the day, there's not right or wrong decision.
- For the Thinkers -
hi there, just wanna say that this blog is really cool! and your dressing is really nice!