Tuesday, December 29, 2009

40degrees celcius change

Just back in town after my 2weeks in Scandinavian countries. the places was cold but some were freezing as freeze as -30*C but nevertheless it was a fun and special trip. along the trip i pened down some thoughts in my head and cant wait to share it on my blog.

i was at rovaniemi and i went to a MacDonald which they called the nothernmost Mc. Although thats not really the point. As i observed those staff working in Mac and other jobs that we so called "lower positions" i spot some difference between them and those in my country. In my place the people that work these jobs are often applied by the elderlies or those who might be not so "perfect". however in northern EU i see people who is as normal as anyone else working in these roles. it came to me that the people take these jobs as jobs, jobs that is no different from any other just different in aspect. how innocently true is that! there's no jobs that is meant for a particular group of people. Jobs to them are just jobs. you have the right to work in a environment or position where u feel comfortable in and not being despise. Jobs should be open to everyone just like Scandi airline which amazed me with the stewardness on air. They are definitely older than my mum and they are of all sort of sizes round, tall, short you name it they have it. this indeed is a different phenomenon from our local airline with all the staff on plane all slender and covered with a mask of makeups. Mayb to them these is just a jobs that anyone who aspire to take upon is allowed to do so. But the problem here is that we have all been through compulsoy education that equiped us with a certain level of skills and no one is willing to take up those jobs that does not match their level of ability, so it is definitely to tell us people here to give all types of jobs a fair equal view.

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