Thursday, July 2, 2009

Some thought after MJ's death

Its have always been about the media, because the strength of the media has the ability to control the readers thinking. Thats why MM Lee before being the biggest party in the singapore once said that he will give Singapore media a lesson for misreporting information on him. It has clearly shown how effective it is. Few years ago when MJ was accused of child molest, papers all over the world report negatively on him causing a plunge of his image. Those cases were solved out of court and made him heavily in debt. From that case onwards, media and link paedophile with MJ and the whole World made joke out of it. Nevertheless, now when he's gone, newspaper are filled with article of his sad life where he live with loneliness, disguise friend and kinship jus for money and his miserable childhood, which explain his hunger for childhood experience once again. He not growing up being love could have been one reason for him being mistaken as paedophile because he does not know to love, not knowing how to expressing love. So what's the use now to show how good a man is when he is dead?The "victim" of the child molest case has recently came out to claim MJ's innocent, but is now of little use. Is it human to only treasure when it is gone?why can we never learn from the past?He has funded numerous charity and help out in multiple voluntary work, these are known for clear as every single one sees.Therefore comparing to those child molest case with unclear background information we should sometime analyse and think instead of being manipulate by the media. may he rest in peace.

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