Something sets me thinking for the past few days. The idea of first impression and knowing of a person. As always said, first impression counts, although just like anyone, my first instinct to a new person would be observing him which leaves me with a first impression but i would safely say i'm not a fan of first impressionist. This maybe due to knowing myself, a person you can never judge from the look cause its ever changing. So i understand that a person can be immensely different as the one you thought you knew when you first saw him. At the first look one can be attracted be the other from his look, his actions, his hygiene, his etiquette, his behaviour etc and this detail can also change a person impression to dislike. But the way i work is to try to know the person inside him and not the one everyone sees. I'll try to observe the details of him, his conversation topic to know more about the real him. Outer looks are often deceiving because it is a work of the person's environment, education, work, but the inner side can never bluff its way through and it's best tested by the way you act or behave when you though nobody is around. Kind, Soft-hearted, hot-tempered are just some of the real you to name. If its good inside, it will always be, but if its bad inside it can never turn good. I guess i'm living in another world where first impression is second compared to expressing with your real heart.

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